Remember the excitement with the arrival of a letter in the mail? Or a packaged box just waiting to be opened? Email and digital marketing are effective, but they aren’t the only methods to reach consumers, generate leads, and create excitement. Direct mail campaigns offer an arsenal of strategies, like repositionable sticky notes (RPNs), to make your mailpiece memorable and actionable.

In the same way digital-first companies have begun opening physical stores to create unique experiences, promotional direct mail campaigns that use repositionable notes improve open-and-read rates by physically calling attention to your product, service, phone number, website, or reply method.

With its ability to re-adhere to a wide variety of surfaces, a repositionable note – more commonly known as a pre-printed sticky note – has one express purpose: to draw attention wherever it’s placed. Here are a few ideas to use repositionable notes to increase response rates in your next direct mail marketing campaign.

How to Increase Response Rates with Repositionable Notes

Repositionable notes are like postscripts in a direct mail letter, highlighting an important point, or offering a call to action. It even can be argued that these notes have been so integrated into our culture that people inherently give them extra attention. They immediately understand what to do with these notes and why they’re there. Here are a few ways to leverage your promotional RPNs to increase engagement and brand awareness.

  1. Add Longevity to Your RPN Message

Since repositionable notes stick around longer than the package itself, the message on the note is essential to elicit a response. You can use RPNs to coax readers to open the mailer with teaser phrases like “Exciting Offer Inside” or conveying that the message is “Urgent” and needs to be addressed immediately.

Including a call to action and any pertinent contact information on the note is crucial so the piece tells prospects what to do, even if the rest of the mailing already has been disposed of. The call to action also makes the product measurable. While it might seem counterintuitive to most direct mailers, engagement is most likely to be a delayed response. It’s the staying power and longevity that matters.

Prospects may throw away the carrier vehicle, but consumers can remove and reuse the movable sticker ads on calendars, computers, or any other place that they need to be reminded of your message.

  1. Personalize Your RPN Message with Variable Data Printing

The variable data printing technology that customized Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign can also customize your repositionable notes. Individually personalized elements on direct mail, such as names or other identifiers, are natural attention grabbers.

Personalization works simply because people like it. According to a 2017 study, adding a name to your direct mail piece can increase response rates by 135%. And the DMA stat book reports that targeting on a 1:1 level increases response rates by at least 50%.

  1. Customize Shape and Design to Grab Attention

When repositionable notes were first used in direct mail, yellow 3” x 3” notes were the standard, and they still are. However, marketers now use different shapes, sizes, and colors to draw the eye. You can even apply labels at an angle so they look randomly placed, as if someone has slapped them on as a reminder.

Even with custom die-cut repositionable notes, it’s important to remember that messaging space should remain the priority. Because of limited space, mailers should keep messages clear and concise. Between 12 to 14 words is the most effective copy length.

  1. Use RPNs to Call Your Consumers to Action

Repositionable notes make your direct mail piece memorable while triggering actions on the outside of your envelope. This helps to feature a message before the recipient even opens your direct mail.

The reusable sticker ads can be used in a variety of ways, including:

  • Teaser copy
  • Redeemable coupons
  • Removable devices that can be attached to a reply card inside the envelope
  • Reminders that includes a phone number or website address to place near the phone, computer, calendar, or other convenient location
  • Last-minute offers or promotions
  • Personalized messages to recipients

Work with a Printer Experienced in Promotional Direct Mail

People are trained to read yellow sticky notes, and repositionable notes (RPNs) can substantially boost response rates for your direct mail campaign. These types of labels help retailers, restaurants, and non-profits gain instant consumer attention and provoke engagement.

Labels & Specialty Products has partnered with businesses to create direct mail pieces for over 35 years. We know the importance of standing out in a crowd and our experts can guide you through every step of the design, material selection, and production processes. Contact Labels & Specialty Products today to talk about your next project.

Check out our Repositionable Sticky Notes today!